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Sunday, May 6, 2007

Spiderman 3 comments

I have watched Spiderman 3 movie last week (2nd May), a day after it released on 1st of May 2007 in Malaysia. The movie duration is quite long, it is about 2 hour and 20 minutes but yet I ‘m still comfortable in my seat with popcorn and coke till end of movie.

It was quite surprise with the films, all my predictions in the last post about the movie its not quite match with the actual movie. The “symbiote” was from the outer space and crashed on earth with the meteorite. (Neither same as animated series nor comic book storyline). In Spiderman 3, it is action and conflict yet a drama itself. Its about Peter, Mary Jane and Spiderman and not just a hero fighting villains. You will laugh and angry at Peter new personality, and sad after Mary Jane facing the downside of her career while Spiderman becomes more popular. Harry Osborn will vengeance his father death and became the Goblin Jr. attack Spiderman, while came new villain Flint Marko which is not actually a bad guy to be, and accidentally became Sandman and uses his powers to rob banks and getting money to help his sick daughter. The venom came as a climax of the story, he teamed up with Sandman as both of them has a reason to kill Spiderman.

With a budget of 250million US, this films had brought a great special effects especially fight scene between Peter Parker and Harry and the last fight between Spiderman, Sandman and Venom. The character builds with special effects for Sandman also great.
I don’t have a collection figure for Spiderman 3 right now, but at my place the tickets for the movie were selling fast. It is a great movie to watch, I would give 4 stars for Spiderman 3, and it is only my “unprofessional” comments.

P/s: I’m only one of the fans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?